V/Vm auction rarities for missing child - Drowned In Sound, Oct 2001.

close neighbour to V/Vm has disappeared in Ibiza on July 8th, Jeffrey Hodgson is 39 years old but has severe learning difficulties and severe epilepsy. His family are very concerned about his safety and continue to spend time over in Ibiza looking for their son (so far to no avail). Unfortunately the British foreign office have refused to offer any financial support to the family telling his parents who are now both retired to either fundraise themselves or take out a loan. Whenever I was out and around locally I always used to run into him or see him around, so it is with this in mind right now that I am offering people on the list the chance to purchase copies of the following long out of print V/Vm releases. I have 5 copies of the following releases available to those people who make me a reasonable offer for them. ‘VVMT0001- Up-Link Data Transmissions (12") ‘VVMT0002- Privileged Frames For Reference (12")’ ‘VVMT0005- Chart Runners (LP)’ I will cover all postage costs to anywhere in the world so all money raised will go direct to the family which I guess will help to pay a little towards their travel expenses and printing costs for leaflets and posters to help raise awareness on the island. As well as these items there is a separate offer of the original flatboard ‘HelpAphexTwin’ artworks to the person who submits the highest bid. These are one off items and will be supplied framed if the highest bid comes from the UK, along with a statement of authenticity as well as being supplied with both ‘HAT01(red)’ ‘HAT2(blue)’ and ‘HAT03LP’ HELPAPHEXTWIN 1.0/ 2.0 As well as the above there are 5 packages put together containing the following NEW releases: ‘OFFAL06 Hate You CD’ ‘OFFALP06 Hate You LP’ ‘OFFAL07 The Caretaker CD’ ‘OFFALP07 The Caretaker LP’ ‘OFFAL08 H>ost "cin" CD’ ‘OFFALP08 H>ost "cin" LP’ ‘VVMT15 Billy Ray Cyrix 3"CD’ ‘HAT03 HelpAhexTwin LP’ ‘EARWORM 7" V/VM / Portal split 7"’ Please remember that all money will go to the family and V/VM stands to gain nothing from any of the above sales and as stated above I’ll pay all the postage on all items. For the full story of Jeffrey's disappearance visit the following website which explains what happened and generally all events since. www.wheresjeffrey.org
I've made the above offers to the V/Vm mailing list only for now- www.brainwashed.com/vvm If no suitable offers come in I'll be forced to auction online on E-Bay which isn't really something I want to do. Anyway I'm hoping to have all sold by the end of this month if possible so I can pass the money directly to the family. To make a bid for any of the above simply send a mail with "BID" in the subject line with the details in the body of the mail. You will be advised of any developments either via this list and by the v/vm website which will be back on line after the 22nd."

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