V/Vm - Sometimes Good Things Happen, Album Review 22nd April 2002.

V/Vm - Sometimes Good Things Happen, Album Review 2002.

And once again, V/VM decide to treat us to some of the worst music ever made. Or is that the best? What's right and what's wrong?
Sometimes Good Things Happen is a VERY loud album. No, it's a VERY quiet album. Well, it's both. Probably. You see, V/VM have knocked up two versions of the album: one is right and one is wrong, but which one is which? Do you know, and if you buy it, do you think you'll know whether ear-splitting noise is right, Mechanical Ambience is wrong? Who knows?
You may get to hear that The Truth is Dead as a slab of distorting noise, you may hear it as eerie soundwaves, but either way you'll hear it as a curiosity and possibly as an annoyance. It may not be pleasurable, but it's good. Or is that bad?

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