Panic DHH - Panic DHH Album Review, 19th April 2004.

Panic DHH - Panic DHH Album Review, 2004.

Do you have home contents insurance where you live? If you haven't, you really should consider it before putting 'Panic Drives Human Herds'_ into your CD player, as it's guaranteed to completely fuck your stereo up good and proper.
You remember the Pixies / Nirvana's classic Quiet Loud Quiet Loud formula? Well that's nothing compared to Panic DHH's Quiet/Quiet/Quiet FUCKING HELL level of loudness. The 10 tracks that make up this startling debut album all twist and turn at unexpected points, before usually evolving into a maelstrom of pure, unadulurated head-fucking violence.
'Panic Drives Human Herds' is the first release on Digital Hardcore Recordings for some time, and whilst the album retains the same level of experimentalism that has kept label vital, it also marks a major departure of the "classic" DHR sound. Out go the breakbeats, and on 'Leader', in comes psychotic jackhammer beats and out goes the sloganeering, then in comes introspection on'No More' and 'Sterile'. There are no album highlights; the whole thing is one 45-minute highlight which will leave you breathless. It will also leave your beloved bassbins ripped to pieces.

Quite simply, 'Panic Drives Human Herds' is the best release on DHR sinceAtari Teenage Riot's 'The Future of War', which is a phenomenal feat for a debut album. But don't just take my word for it! check out their and take a listen for yourself.

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