Modey Lemon - Wolverhampton Little Civic, 22nd May 2002.

Modey Lemon - Wolverhampton Little Civic, 2002.

The Modey Lemon came to the UK as support band to The Von Bondies, a great great band, and one I intended to review, but the problem is, their support band were so great, that their set in comparison was quite average.  Stood alone and it would be a different matter, and all credit to them for bringing to the UK's attention such a brilliant band.

The Modey Lemon are a two-piece from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, utilising one guitar, one drum, one vocal, and one Moog to devastating effect.  Imagine The White Stripes playing Motorhead via Iggy at his prime, and you're a third of the way there!

The songs were packed with so much electricity that it was damn near impossible to just observe, you HAD to move, you were left with NO option, you just can't be bored when you're being blitzed with tracks like It's Hard, all glam rock stomp and fifties squeal action, You Bug me which blazed into a furious ending that electronic noisesters  Add N to (x) would die for, and Coffin Talk which saw the pace slowed down to a bluesier feel, but still equally as devastating.

I'd almost given up. I live music, and there are so many garage style bands at the moment, but with a couple of noticable exceptions, a lot of them whiff of hype, yeah, they're good, but forgettable. They don't push me to bore my friends with tale of what a great night I had.  Yeah, they're good, but forgettable.  Do you remember what it was like to go to a gig and to be inspired by what you saw, inspired to pick up an instrument, or to just spread the word.  This is the effect The Modey Lemon made on me tonight, and I think they will do the same for you.

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