Ned's Emerge From Hibernation - Drownedinsound, May 2006

Full Article Here. Early 90s indie stalwarts Ned’s Atomic Dustbin return on June 5th, with their first single in ten years, 'Hibernation' (geddit?). Ned’s were huge around the time of Bermuda Shorts and Graham Taylor - along with fellow scenesters Pop will eat itself , and The Wonderstuff - and were responsible for the non-infamous chant "Nicky Campbell is a wanker" . They also ensured that people like me had no sex life by designing stupidly sized shorts with lots of daft pictures on them, guaranteeing sneers in the high street from the opposite sex. That was my excuse, anyhow. But, to the present: pop to the band's MySpace page to sample the new stuff, and then to,, and to pre-order the download single. Old-timers like me will have to drive to a faceless warehouse music megastore on June 5th, when the ‘conventional’ proper CD single of 'Hibernation' ...