Ned's Atomic Dustbin Return, Drownedinsound, December 2004.

Full Interview Here. ’s easy to forget that during the early '90s, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin were HUGE. They continuously sold out tours, had singles crashing into the charts (when the charts meant something) on a frequent basis, and played on live TV with one very drunk Oliver Reed . The band split in 1996 but this year they reformed for a handful of Xmas gigs, with the London gigs selling-out in record time. I caught up with singer Jonn Penney to throw him some quick questions. Why now to re-stage the Ned’s Christmas gigs? Why not? We want all our shows to be an event and of all the past Ned’s events the Xmas shows at the Civic were right up there amongst our favourites. It’s soon to be 10 years since the original Ned’s line-up split and ironically it seems that now is the time when we are getting name-dropped by a host of big names ( Blink 182 for one!) – all of a sudden it’s ok to admit you like Ned’s Atomic Dustbin! Did you expect the ...