Peaches Season - Drownedinsound, July 2003.

Full article here. Get your dayglo disco clobber and hair moose together and get ready to learn, honey... PEACHES IS BACK!! September sees the long-awaited return of Peaches , as she releases a limited edition single 'Operate' / 'Shake Yer Dix' on the first of the month, followed on September 15th, by her new album, the fantastically titled 'Fatherfucker' . It’s been three years since the release of her debut; a gap which has seen Peaches rise from the underground into the mainstream, whilst becoming a sex goddess en route! But there’s more than Peaches music coming your way in September. If you fancy seeing the sex goddess in the flesh, then get yourself down to Charing Cross’s Heaven club on September 18th, where she'll be playing a one-off gig that will no doubt feature dirty lyrics, much skin, strap on dildos, and of course, some damn fine dirty-electropop!