Gobsausage - The Bull Of St. John's, Angel London 26th June 2003.
Gobsausage - The Bull Of St. John's, Angel London 2003. Full Review, Click Here. And so I find myself at Disastronaut’s birthday party. It’s Sunday and I’ve driven all the way to London to see Cobra Killer. Only, the Berlin duo have only gone and left their equipment on the kerb as they hailed a taxi on Brick Lane the previous night. Disaster. But what could turn the night from a disaster into a triumph? Easy. Gobsausage. They come storming from the back of The Bull at St. John’s pub, all seven of them. Five beautiful ladies and one cowboy man, dancing, gyrating, rubbing each other up to a bass-heavy sleazy electropop riot of a backing tape. But wait, there’s more. Yep, they’re also aided and abetted by a guy in a balaclava and shades. He shouts a lot and adds an air of menace to the surroundings. The sound gets cut off numerous times ads the band slams into their sound equipment. It is chaos, and it lasts for around twenty minutes. That’s all. But it’s a ...